Careers in Graphic Designing

What is Graphic Design? Graphic design is a visual mode of communication that conveys a message through images and text designed with software. As there are many different types of graphic design, there is no single definition. The images or text can be in the form of logo, infographics, typography, digital illustrations, etc. Graphic design encompasses a wide range of visual and textual content that is applied in many media. Almost all brands need graphic design to create an identity for themselves, to convey their message and design visually appealing packages for their products. Graphic design is widely used for commercial purposes but not limited to it. It is also used as a way of artistic expression. There are different types of graphic design that, unlike many one-way street industries, provide a plethora of options in career. Types of Graphic Design: UI/UX: It refers to user interface/user experience. User interface is all about creating appl...